AvBIT- Avatar based Interview training
A digital web-based educational platform with the purpose of guiding sensitive conversations with children, via a unique avatar based interview training program. The first version of the platform was launched in September of 2017.
An update of the platform as a server based solution is currently ongoing and in planed be released in September of 2018 – offering increased stability, capacity and flexibility as well as extended functions in the long term.
The platform is already in use by the Swedish Migration board as a training tool by the immigration investigators.
The offer
A web-based educational platform with the purpose of conducting sensitive conversations with children. The unique system enables the creation of one of a kind, custom-made training programmes for professionals such as social workers, teachers, after-school teachers, school counsellors or school nurses. The ”child” - in this case the avatar - the professional practices conversing with via AvBIT’s platform is not computer animated, but an actual child with extensive makeup to make it unidentifiable. The child avatar is then controlled by an experienced instructor, for example a children’s investigator or/and a psychologist whose voice is converted into a child’s voice in real time during the training session. Due to the server-based extension training, sessions can be done on any computer and professionals have the benefit of continuing to use the program afterwards for independent refresher training.Main purpose
Professionals who meet children in their daily work significantly increase their ability to handle sensitive conversations with them. This benefits the child, who is given opportunity to be heard in a well-supported environment, and the professional, who becomes more secure in their professional role as well as in the situation at large, giving room to ask the relevant questions in a supportive and professional manner.Usage areas
A professional tool useful for several occupational groups to safely learn how to cope with conversations with children where they have been the victims of traumatic events or experiences. To be well prepared for these conversations one needs applied training to be able to act professional and maintain legal certainty. The training is applicable for all occupations where one meets children and needs the familiarity of dealing with sensitive conversations. Do you want to know more about AvBIT? Visit the website. Avatar, children interview, distance education, facial expression, inquiry, Linné, Linné University, Linneaus University, nonverbal communication