
22 May, 2019 - Karlstad

Karlstad University won double Skapa-prizes in the county final

Flinkit with the founders Albin Tyllgren and Andreas Carlsson, both students at Karlstad University recently won the Skapa county final in Värmland. Flinkit offers digital support and help with homework via an app. Users will need the help…

22 May, 2018 - Örebro

New version of EMBRACE!

EMBRACE is developing. The latest version of EMBRACE offers many and very useful features. Several brand new views in EMBRACE Insight that focus on helping the user with different time comparisons and comparisons between areas. The “Draw in Map” feature opens up to great opportunities to study a specific…

Brottsförebyggande, crime prevention, Embrace, Örebro, Örebro university, ORU, saftey
17 April, 2018 - Örebro

Line 14 model to Karlskoga municipality

Karlskoga Municipality is a new partner with Örebro University to encourage high school students for higher education. It is the long-term cooperation between Örebro University and Örebro Municipality, which serves as a model in this collaboration through the Line 14 (Linje 14 in Swedish) project. Read more about Line 14…

High School students, motivation, Örebro, Örebro university
9 April, 2018 - Uncategorized

Meet during “Sveriges Innovationsriksdag” 10-11 April 2018

The Innovation Office Fyrklövern supports and contributes to the development of research results that can be used in society. We want to grow and invite more Universities and other research institutes to become part of The goal is to become the Swedish licensing bank – an obvious place…

4 April, 2018 - Uncategorized

Black Belt Summer Songwriting Camp 2018

Black Belt Summer Songwriting Camp is a chance for students from around the world to participate in a songwriting camp in Sweden, one of today’s more notable hot spots when it comes to pop music. If you’re studying music, you’ll have the chance to deepen your understanding of the…

media, music, music production, Örebro, Örebro university, Songwriting
14 March, 2018 - Örebro

Region Halland invests in dance without demands to help young girls feel better

Anna Duberg’s “Dance for Health” is now offered to young girls in Halland. “Dance for Health” is for girls between the ages of 13 and 18 who turned to pupil health because they felt stressed, worried, had stomach ache, headache or been generally depressed. “Dance for Health” is based…

dance, dance for health, education, Örebro, Örebro university
14 February, 2018 - Örebro

BioImpakt nominated for Innovation of the Year with Genotox Profile

BioImpakt, FriBi and Retail Kids Solution. Thats the three nominated companies for the Innovation of the Year. The winner will be presented in conjunction with Örebrogalan at Conventum on March 1. “It’s great fun to see all the good innovations that are coming in our region right now. The…

Bioimpakt, Biological Analyzes, Centre for Life Science, Örebro, Örebro university
9 February, 2018 - Örebro

Anna Duberg, won price for her research at Yogagalan

At Yogagalan, February 8, Anna Duberg, won first price in category “Research of the year” for her research into demandless dance for strengthened mental health among young people. Read an interview with Anna, made by Yoga for you, here Read more on Annas’s offer at Licensbanken here…

dance, dance for health, Örebro, Örebro university, stress, Yoga, youth
30 January, 2018 - Örebro

Bioimpact with new businesspartner

Bioimpact with the Örebro professor Per-Erik Olsson has gained a new partner – the recycling company Stena Recycling International. The aim is to further develop analysis methods to recycle more waste. “This deal is very positive for both parties,” explains Christer Forsgren, Environmental Manager and Technical Manager at Stena Recycling…

Bioimpakt, Örebro, Örebro university, recycling, waste