
RAPP (Recovery Assessment by Phone Points)

RAPP provides a research-based IT-solution fulfilling the need of systematic monitoring of patients post surgery by healthcare professionals, primarily after outpatient procedures. The innovation consists of a digital interface for patient’s self-monitoring after outpatient care. RA PP reduces the cost of after-treatment post anaesthesia and enables care recipients to increase their own feeling of safety and well-being after surgery.
Feel better! Earlier discharge from the hospital! Reduce the risk of complications!

Read more at RAPP AB:s webpage here.

The offer

RAPP is trademarked and the idea is managed by Örebro University Holding AB. RAPP is developed by researchers at Örebro Universitet. The project now seeks business partners in the industry, financing and customers in the healthcare sector.

Main purpose

• Increased safety • Improved monitoring • Saves time and resources • Supports contact between patient and carer.

Usage areas

This app is intended for patients and their carers following surgery
APP, Applikation, Healthcare, Örebro, Örebro university, Surgery