


Seminars in Palliative care

Seminars in palliative care: the educational concept consists of seminars, with educational booklet based on research and national documents for palliative care. The seminars offer time for reflection and opportunities to later on initiate work with healthcare improvements. The seminars address the knowledge and skills that should be implemented into… Read More

Body percussion – Communication via rhythm

The gaps between people in Sweden is growing, where more and more people experience a feeling of alienation. In the outer regions of the cities and even in rural areas, parallel societies are often created where people does not have opportunities to take part in the activities that general society… Read More

MOSAIK – A Web-based Education Platform for Crisis Management

MOSAIK provides training for staff in different organizations that can contribute to more effective cooperation in rescue operations. MOSAIK provides increased knowledge of what organized cooperation looks like in crisis situations, and what knowledge different actors can contribute during crises. Responsibility for rescue efforts is usually up to rescue organizations… Read More


Distime is a tool to help improve the perception of time amongst peoplewith severe hearing or visual impairment, deaf-blindness and cognitivedisabilities. Appreciating abstract phenomena such as time can be a challenge for peoplewith deaf-blindness, particularly if this is accompanied by a cognitivedisability. Whilst other disability groups are able to use tools that… Read More

RAPP (Recovery Assessment by Phone Points)

RAPP provides a research-based IT-solution fulfilling the need of systematic monitoring of patients post surgery by healthcare professionals, primarily after outpatient procedures. The innovation consists of a digital interface for patient’s self-monitoring after outpatient care. RA PP reduces the cost of after-treatment post anaesthesia and enables care recipients to increase… Read More


A model for familysupport in dementia, which saves resources and increases quality. Developed by Härnösand Municipality and Mid Sweden University in collaboration. Read More

Dance for Health – dance like medicine for body and soul

Mental health problems among young girls have more than doubled in the last ten years. Statistics show that 40 per cent of Swedish girls of middle-school and secondary-school age have psychosomatic problems such as stomach-aches, headaches and sleep problems. This is a significant health problem, but it receives little attention. Read More