


App to Counter Suppression Techniques

This app helps users identify 7 suppression techniques – techniques used to exercise negative power over others – that are common in work environments, and it suggests constructive responses. Read More

MOSAIK – A Web-based Education Platform for Crisis Management

MOSAIK provides training for staff in different organizations that can contribute to more effective cooperation in rescue operations. MOSAIK provides increased knowledge of what organized cooperation looks like in crisis situations, and what knowledge different actors can contribute during crises. Responsibility for rescue efforts is usually up to rescue organizations… Read More


A model for familysupport in dementia, which saves resources and increases quality. Developed by Härnösand Municipality and Mid Sweden University in collaboration. Read More

Cultural Analysis – Better Quality in School Using New Method

Faster, cheaper, and better quality in school, using a new method Through a new kind of methodology, it becomes possible now to link a school’s development plan with the inspection requirements for school operation. Something that lets both school leaders and school staff save time and money, and raise quality… Read More