


Flinkit – A digitalisation of raise your hand

Flinkit enables students to meet teachers through video calls and get help with their problems in school work without the physical attendance of teachers. Through video calls, our ambition is to meet students’ needs for prompt help, regardless of where the student is. Flinkit was started with a vision to… Read More

Seminars in Palliative care

Seminars in palliative care: the educational concept consists of seminars, with educational booklet based on research and national documents for palliative care. The seminars offer time for reflection and opportunities to later on initiate work with healthcare improvements. The seminars address the knowledge and skills that should be implemented into… Read More

EMBRACE – Evidence-based methodology for better structured analysis of crime, safety, and follow-up of interventions

EMBRACE is a digital service intended to enable local situational crime preventive and safety establishing services to work evidence based and systematic. EMBRACE is an abbreviation for “Evidence-based methodology for better structured analysis of crime, safety,and follow-up of interventions”. EMBRACE gives your organisation support with continuous information gathering, mapping… Read More


Distime is a tool to help improve the perception of time amongst peoplewith severe hearing or visual impairment, deaf-blindness and cognitivedisabilities. Appreciating abstract phenomena such as time can be a challenge for peoplewith deaf-blindness, particularly if this is accompanied by a cognitivedisability. Whilst other disability groups are able to use tools that… Read More

SMADIT: Cooperation against alcohol and drugs in traffic

SMADIT is a cooperative working method designed to reducealcohol and drugs use by drivers. The method brings together public agencies tackling drugs,addiction and criminality – including the police, prison and probation servicesas well as regional and local authorities.  The method’s guiding principal is that individualssuspected of driving under the influence of… Read More

ESTER- Evidence Based Structured Assessment of Risk and Protection Factors

ESTER is an assessment system that monitors risk and protective factors for youths (0-18 years) in relation to antisocial behaviour. It is a computer-based professional tool, including support, a screening system and structured assessment instruments. ESTER is designed for those professionals who work with children (and their families) at… Read More

Active Families (AIF)

The AIF programme (in Swedish ‘Aktiva idrottsföräldrar’) targets young people aged 10–12 and their parents. It aims to engage and involve parents in their children’s free-time – ensuring parents recognise the importance of organised leisure activity, and how their support of it benefits their child. Many studies have illustrated the… Read More

Dance for Health – dance like medicine for body and soul

Mental health problems among young girls have more than doubled in the last ten years. Statistics show that 40 per cent of Swedish girls of middle-school and secondary-school age have psychosomatic problems such as stomach-aches, headaches and sleep problems. This is a significant health problem, but it receives little attention. Read More